
Description: a JSON gleaner for collecting weather data
Written by: Jim Miller

11:27 PM Fri March 19, 2021

# Sample JSON output (see URL query for JSON feed below):
  "UNITS": {
    "wind_speed": "knots",
    "air_temp": "Fahrenheit",
    "wind_gust": "knots",
    "dew_point_temperature": "Fahrenheit",
    "wind_direction": "Degrees",
    "sea_level_pressure": "Millibars"
      "1": "sl_range_check"
      "1": "SynopticLabs"
    "QC_NAMES": {
      "1": "SynopticLabs Range Check"
  "STATION": [
      "STATUS": "ACTIVE",
      "MNET_ID": "1",
        "start": "2002-08-14T00:00:00Z",
        "end": "2022-12-12T16:56:00Z"
      "ELEVATION": "1020",
      "NAME": "Mankato, Mankato Regional Airport",
      "STID": "KMKT",
        "wind_speed": {
          "wind_speed_value_1": {
            "period_of_record": {
              "start": "",
              "end": ""
        "air_temp": {
          "air_temp_value_1": {
            "period_of_record": {
              "start": "",
              "end": ""
        "wind_gust": {
          "wind_gust_value_1": {
            "period_of_record": {
              "start": "",
              "end": ""
        "wind_direction": {
          "wind_direction_value_1": {
            "period_of_record": {
              "start": "",
              "end": ""
        "sea_level_pressure": {
          "sea_level_pressure_value_1": {
            "period_of_record": {
              "start": "",
              "end": ""
          "sea_level_pressure_value_1d": {
            "derived_from": [
        "dew_point_temperature": {
          "dew_point_temperature_value_1d": {
            "derived_from": [
      "ELEV_DEM": "1013.8",
      "LONGITUDE": "-93.91667",
      "UNITS": {
        "position": "ft",
        "elevation": "ft"
      "STATE": "MN",
        "wind_gust_value_1": {
          "date_time": "2022-12-12T10:45:00-0600",
          "value": 24.0
        "dew_point_temperature_value_1d": {
          "date_time": "2022-12-12T11:35:00-0600",
          "value": 26.55
        "wind_direction_value_1": {
          "date_time": "2022-12-12T11:35:00-0600",
          "value": 130.0
        "sea_level_pressure_value_1d": {
          "date_time": "2022-12-12T11:35:00-0600",
          "value": 1023.59
        "air_temp_value_1": {
          "date_time": "2022-12-12T11:35:00-0600",
          "value": 30.2
        "sea_level_pressure_value_1": {
          "date_time": "2022-12-12T10:56:00-0600",
          "value": 1024.0
        "wind_speed_value_1": {
          "date_time": "2022-12-12T11:35:00-0600",
          "value": 19.0
      "RESTRICTED": false,
      "QC_FLAGGED": false,
      "LATITUDE": "44.21667",
      "TIMEZONE": "America\/Chicago",
      "ID": "5015"
  "SUMMARY": {
    "DATA_QUERY_TIME": "3.86095046997 ms",
    "METADATA_RESPONSE_TIME": "651.8638134 ms",
    "DATA_PARSING_TIME": "0.997066497803 ms",
    "VERSION": "v2.17.0",
    "TOTAL_DATA_TIME": "4.85897064209 ms",

# Import supporting modules
import sys, os

import string

# HTML fetching
import requests
import json

import math

# Windows extensions (pywin32-220.win32-py2.7.exe)
import win32com.client
import pywintypes  # supports exceptions names

import time
import datetime


def updateMaxStationDateTime( stationDateTime):
    # Check to see if stationDateTime is later than what's in the global. 
    # and update the value in the global if it is...

    # Must declare locally to change a global. If no global declaration, the
    # ASSIGNMENT statement will force this variable to be local here in this
    # function.
    global stationDateTime_maxValue

    if (stationDateTime > stationDateTime_maxValue):
        stationDateTime_maxValue = stationDateTime

def inQu( string):
    # Put everything but Null into single quotes for the SQL string.
    # Note: best practice would be to not quote numeric values, quote only strings and dates.
    if (string == "Null"):
        finalString = string
        finalString = "'" + str( string) + "'"
    return finalString
def nN( string):
    # When writing to the spreadsheet, Nulls should be represented as None 
    if (string == "Null"):
        value = None
        value = string
    return value
def utc( localTimeString):
    # e.g. "2022-12-12T11:35:00-0600"
    #                          54321
    dateTimeFromStamp = datetime.datetime.strptime( localTimeString[:-5], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    hoursFromUTC = int( localTimeString[-5:-2])
    utcTime = dateTimeFromStamp - datetime.timedelta( hours=hoursFromUTC)
    utcTimeString = str( utcTime)
    return utcTimeString
def getSensorDataDict( stationData, sensorName):
    sensorDict = stationData["SENSOR_VARIABLES"].get( sensorName, "no report")
    if (sensorDict != "no report"):
        sensorValueName = sensorDict.keys()[0]
        sensorDataDict = stationData["OBSERVATIONS"][sensorValueName]
        sensorDataDict = {'value':'Null'}
    return sensorDataDict

def processMultipleStations_json( station_dictionary):
    # Build the URL string to run a query for multiple stations.
    # (returned on one page).
    # First, here are some examples of single-station queries.
    # Old XML query:
    # http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mesowest/getobextXml.php?num=1&sid=KRLD
    # Using their JSON feed and a token:
    # https://api.synopticdata.com/v2/stations/latest?vars=air_temp,dew_point_temperature,wind_speed,wind_direction,wind_gust,sea_level_pressure&obtimezone=local&output=json&units=english&token=1f652521138243d3bfe7a445710896e6&stid=KMKT
    url_base = ("https://api.synopticdata.com/v2/stations/latest?" + 
               "vars=air_temp,dew_point_temperature,wind_speed,wind_direction,wind_gust,sea_level_pressure" + 
               "&obtimezone=local&output=json&units=english" + 
    station_count = 0
    write_count = 0
    # This index keeps track of successful writes that happen when attempting
    # to write observations other then the first one.
    write_count_notFirst = 0
    stationString = "&stid="
    print ""
    for station_name in station_dictionary.keys():        
        print "station name =", station_name
        station_count += 1
        stationString += station_name + ","

    webpage_url = url_base + stationString[:-1]
    print "url = " + webpage_url

        # Fetch the JSON page
        jsonRequest = requests.get( webpage_url)
        jsonObject = jsonRequest.json()
        formatedJson = json.dumps( jsonObject, indent=2)
        #print formatedJson
        message_str = "Error opening json url"
        enterInLog( message_str)
        print message_str + ", URL = " + webpage_url

    rowsForSpreadsheet = []
    for stationData in jsonObject["STATION"]:
        print ""
        print stationData["STID"]
        print stationData["NAME"]
        for sensorName in stationData["SENSOR_VARIABLES"]:
            sensorData = getSensorDataDict( stationData, sensorName)
            print sensorName + ", " + str( sensorData["value"]) + ", " + sensorData["date_time"]
        # Do conversions and then populated the weather dictionary
        temp_f = getSensorDataDict( stationData, "air_temp")["value"]
        dewPoint_f = getSensorDataDict( stationData, "dew_point_temperature")["value"]
        # 2020-12-01T11:05:00-0600
        timestamp_literal = getSensorDataDict( stationData, "air_temp")["date_time"]
        # 2021-03-19 07:56:00
        dateTimeFromStamp = datetime.datetime.strptime( timestamp_literal[:-5], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
        # This check for daylight savings time (dst) uses local gleaner time (T=1, F=0). 
        # So, if the gleaner computer sees dst, and the station is in an area where dst is used (everywhere but Hawaii), 
        # then change it back to standard time.
        dstFlag = time.localtime()[-1]
        if (dstFlag and station_dic[ stationData['STID']]['dst']):
            dateTimeFromStamp_std = dateTimeFromStamp - datetime.timedelta( hours=1)
            dateTimeFromStamp_std = dateTimeFromStamp
        # 2021-03-19 07:56:00
        dateTimeFromStamp_std_string = str( dateTimeFromStamp_std)
        updateMaxStationDateTime( dateTimeFromStamp_std)
        timestamp_date = dateTimeFromStamp_std_string.split(" ")[0]
        dateParts = timestamp_date.split("-")
        ts_year = dateParts[0]
        ts_month = dateParts[1]
        ts_day = dateParts[2]
        timestamp_time = dateTimeFromStamp_std_string.split(" ")[1]
        timeParts = timestamp_time.split(":")
        ts_hour = timeParts[0]
        ts_min = timeParts[1]
        ts_sec = timeParts[2]
        timestamp = "%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s" % ( ts_month, ts_day, ts_year, ts_hour, ts_min, ts_sec)
        mdy = "%s/%s/%s" % ( ts_month, ts_day, ts_year)
        windDirection_deg = getSensorDataDict( stationData, "wind_direction")["value"]
        windDirection_timeStamp = getSensorDataDict( stationData, "wind_direction")["date_time"]
        windSpeed_mph = round( getSensorDataDict( stationData, "wind_speed")["value"] * knots_to_mph, 1)
        windGust_timeStamp = getSensorDataDict( stationData, "wind_gust")["date_time"]
        if (windGust_timeStamp == windDirection_timeStamp):
            windGust_mph = round( getSensorDataDict( stationData, "wind_gust")["value"] * knots_to_mph, 1)
            windGust_mph = windSpeed_mph
        # Some stations don't have a pressure sensor
        pressure_raw = getSensorDataDict( stationData, "sea_level_pressure")["value"]
        if (pressure_raw != 'Null'):
            pressure_inHg = round( pressure_raw * 0.02953, 2) # from millibars
            pressure_inHg = "Null"
        stationName = station_dic[ stationData['STID']]['longName']
        # Populate the weather dictionary: time and sensor data.
        weather_dic = {'station_number': inQu( station_dic[ stationData['STID']]['ID']),
                       'station_name': inQu( stationName),
                       'epoch_at_write': inQu( math.trunc( time.time())),
                       'timeStamp_on_drybulb': inQu( timestamp_literal),
                       'time_native_std': inQu( timestamp),
                       'MDY': inQu( mdy),
                       'Hr': inQu( ts_hour), 
                       'Min': inQu( ts_min),  
                       'T_drybulb': inQu( temp_f),  
                       'T_dewpoint': inQu( dewPoint_f),
                       'wind_direction': inQu( windDirection_deg),
                       'wind_speed': inQu( windSpeed_mph),
                       'wind_gust': inQu( windGust_mph),
                       'ALTSE': inQu( pressure_inHg),
        print json.dumps( weather_dic, indent=2)

            # Develop SQL string
            sqlForStation = build_SQL_string( weather_dic) 

            # Run the SQL (send formal SQL string and info list). If a
            # successful write is indicated, bump up the counter.
            if (runSQL( sqlForStation[0], sqlForStation[1])):
                write_count += 1
                # Add this station's record to the spreadsheet array.
                newRow = [stationName, utc( timestamp_literal), nN( temp_f), nN( dewPoint_f), nN( windDirection_deg), nN( windSpeed_mph), nN( windGust_mph), nN( pressure_inHg)]
                rowsForSpreadsheet.append( newRow)
            # Note the backslash is a line-continuation character.
            message_str = "general error in Station loop ::: %s ==> %s, \nStation name = %s" \
                          % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, 
                             getXMLvalueInStationGroup( dom_object, data_index, "station_id")) 
            enterInLog( message_str)
            print message_str
            print "SQL construction failed."
    # If there was a successful write to database, make entry in log showing
    # the number of successful gleans from the web site and the number of
    # successful writes to the database.
    # W = Writes
    # P = Possible (number of stations collecting from)
    print ""
    message_str = "Data write record: %s P, %s W" % ( station_count, write_count)
    print message_str
    if (write_count > 0):
        enterInLog( message_str) 
        write_to_spreadsheet( rowsForSpreadsheet)

def write_to_spreadsheet( data):
    sheet_url = "https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxEURXa6nwLdmivY6LNVqNvGs_ltg0E7OhncYDT45GZ8wn1v1SA9oruY6Iidy-pWBF08w/exec"
    postDict = {"sheetName":"meso", "weatherData":data}
        # Send with POST. Note: the postDict dictionary gets converted to a JSON string.
        jsonRequest = requests.post( sheet_url, json=postDict)
        message_str = "Error opening URL."
        print message_str + ", URL = " + sheet_url

def build_SQL_string( wd):

    # Input parameter is the weather dictionary (wd)

    sql_names = "INSERT INTO FifteenMinData (" +\
                    "PerlTime, DateTimeStamp, LiteralDateTimeStamp, TimeMDY, TimeHr, TimeMin, " +\
                    "StationNumber, StationName, WindDirection, WindSpeed, WindGust, " +\
                    "TempAvg, DewPoint, Pressure) "
    sql_values = "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" % (
                    wd['epoch_at_write'], wd['time_native_std'], wd['timeStamp_on_drybulb'], wd['MDY'], wd['Hr'], wd['Min'], 
                    wd['station_number'], wd['station_name'], wd['wind_direction'], wd['wind_speed'], wd['wind_gust'], 
                    wd['T_drybulb'], wd['T_dewpoint'], wd['ALTSE'])

    sql_string = sql_names + sql_values
    print "SQL string = ", sql_string

    # Return SQL string and data list (to be used with error messages)
    return ( sql_string, sql_values)

def runSQL( sql_string, row_ascii):
    # row_ascii: Contains the variable names and is useful in constructing error messages.

    successful_execution = False 

    # Execute SQL string
        database_conn.Execute( sql_string)
        successful_execution = True 
        # For testing
        #print "SQL = ", sql_string
        #print "row_ascii = ", row_ascii

    except pywintypes.com_error:  # catch this specific error
        # If only a "duplicate data" error, don't write to the log file
        if ( string.find( str( sys.exc_value), "duplicate data") <> -1):
            print "Data already in database (sql warning)."
            message_str = "SQL error ::: %s ==> %s, \nData value = %s" % ( sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, row_ascii) 
            enterInLog( message_str)
            print message_str
        return successful_execution

        message_str = "general error ::: %s ==> %s, \nData value = %s" % ( sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, row_ascii) 
        enterInLog( message_str)
        print message_str
        return successful_execution

    else:  # Run this block if no errors...   
        print "Successful SQL execution!"
        return successful_execution

    # # For testing, clean out any new records for this date.
    # sql = "DELETE * FROM [FifteenMinData] WHERE ([TimeMDY] = #6/29/2006#)"
    # database_conn.Execute(sql)

def enterInLog( logentry):
    logFile.write('==============' + str(datetime.datetime.today()) + '====V ' + version_number + '\n')
    logFile.write( logentry + '\n')

def openConnections():

    # Open logFile
    global logFile

    # The getcwd os function returns the current working directory. Another
    # similar command is os.path.abspath(""). This returns "C:\\waconia" on
    # Physics2 and "C:\\code\\python\\scraper" at here at home. Note that if
    # this is running as a system AT job, this will return something like
    # "C:\\winnt\\system32"

    logFileDir = os.getcwd()
    # If it's not at home then it must be running on Physics2 
    if (logFileDir <> "C:\\code\\python\\scraper"):
        logFileDir = "C:\\Users\\Jim\\Documents\\webcontent\\waconia"
    logFileName = "ws_richland_log.txt"
    logFilePath = logFileDir + "\\" + logFileName 

    # Check for the file and create a new one if none is found.
    # Note: os.curdir doesn't work as a way to find the current directory when
    # if this task is scheduled. So I use the absolute paths above.
    if logFileName not in os.listdir( logFileDir):   
            logFile = open(logFilePath, 'w')  # create and write 
            sys.exit("Error when opening log file. Script stopped!!!")  # Shutdown if no way to log...

        # Header in file.
        logFile.write('==============VERSION '+ version_number +'========================' + '\n')
        logFile.write('File created: ' + str(datetime.datetime.today()) + '\n')
        logFile.write('=================================================' + '\n')
        logFile.write('=================================================' + '\n')
        logFile.write('=================================================' + '\n')
        logFile = open(logFilePath, 'a')  # append

    # Open Database connection
    global database_conn
    database_conn = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADODB.Connection')

    # Set path to the database.
    DSN = 'PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=C:/Users/Jim/Documents/webcontent/waconia/data/telem.mdb;'

        enterInLog("Error ::: %s ==> %s" % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value))
        # Close logFile on the way out.
        sys.exit("Error when opening database connection. Script stopped!!!")

def closeConnections():
    database_conn.Close()  # Notice the CAPITAL C
    logFile.close()        # Notice the lowercase c

def attemptWriteToDaysGleaned():
    # This serves to keep the DaysGleaned table up to date. If this gleaner is
    # the first to cross into a new day this should produce a successful write.

    # Make a local tuple out of the global stationDateTime_maxValue
    dT = stationDateTime_maxValue.timetuple()

    sql_string = "INSERT INTO DaysGleaned ([TimeMDY]) VALUES ('%s/%s/%s')" % (dT[1],dT[2],dT[0]) 
        database_conn.Execute( sql_string)
        #print "days-gleaned error: " + str( sys.exc_value)
        # If not a "duplicate data" error, write to the log file
        if (string.find(str(sys.exc_value),"duplicate data") == -1):  # can't find it in string
            enterInLog("Error ::: %s ==> %s" % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value))

Main program

# global variables (any variable in Main that get assigned)
knots_to_mph = 1.15078030303

# This global is used for triggering a new day in the database's daysgleaned table.
stationDateTime_maxValue = datetime.datetime(2001,1,1) # initialize to some old date

# This also gets written to the log file.
version_number = "1.0"
print "Version Number = ", version_number

# Dictionary of dictionaries data structure used identify all the stations
# to be gleaned and associated parameters. Add more stations here if you like...

station_dic = {
   # Washington
   'KRLD':{'ID':'318','longName':'KRLD','dst':True},    # Richland, WA
   'KMWH':{'ID':'357','longName':'KMWH','dst':True},    # Moses Lake, WA
   'KEAT':{'ID':'365','longName':'KEAT','dst':True},    # Wenatchee, WA
   'KNOW':{'ID':'366','longName':'KNOW','dst':True},    # Port Angeles, WA
   'K0S9':{'ID':'367','longName':'K0S9','dst':True},    # Port Townsend, WA
   # BC Canada
   'CYAZ':{'ID':'368','longName':'CYAZ','dst':True},    # Tofino, BC
   # Oregon
   'HOXO':{'ID':'354','longName':'HOXO','dst':True},    # Hood River, OR
   'KOTH':{'ID':'356','longName':'KOTH','dst':True},    # North Bend, OR
   # Fritz's sites on the cape...
   'KHSE':{'ID':'358','longName':'KHSE.2','dst':True},  # Cape Hatteras, NC
   'KCQX':{'ID':'359','longName':'KCQX.2','dst':True},  # Chatham, MA
   # Hawaii
   'PHOG':{'ID':'351','longName':'PHOG','dst':False},   # Maui Airport, HI
   'PHJR':{'ID':'352','longName':'PHJR','dst':False},   # Oahu, Kalaeloa Airport, HI
   'PHBK':{'ID':'353','longName':'PHBK','dst':False},   # Kauai, Barking Sands Airport, HI
   # Kansas  
   'KOJC':{'ID':'388','longName':'KOJC','dst':True},    # Johnson County Executive Airport, Olathe, KS
   # Missouri
   'KSTL':{'ID':'360','longName':'KSTL','dst':True},    # Saint Louis, MO
   'KJLN':{'ID':'387','longName':'KJLN','dst':True},    # Joplin Regional Airport, MO
   # MN
   'KMKT':{'ID':'355','longName':'KMKT.2','dst':True},  # Mankato, MN
   'KSOM5':{'ID':'361','longName':'KSOM5','dst':True},  # Kasota Prairie, MN
   'MN073':{'ID':'362','longName':'MN073','dst':True},  # Mankato, MN
   # Columbia River (for delta-p chart)
   'KDLS':{'ID':'166','longName':'KDLS','dst':True},    # Dalles, WA 
   'KTTD':{'ID':'167','longName':'KTTD','dst':True},    # Troutdale, OR 
   'KHRI':{'ID':'168','longName':'KHRI','dst':True}     # Hermiston, OR 

# Prepare to write to database and log file.

# Make a single JSON request for all the stations. Parse and write to database, once for each station. 
processMultipleStations_json( station_dic)

# Close connections to database and log file.